
Independent Baptist Seminary Course Descriptions

Undergraduate In-Person Evening Classes:

BI 101.2 General Bible Intro

The course examines the doctrine of Bibliology, which includes the following: inspiration, inerrancy, preservation, canonicity, textual criticism, and the King James Bible. The student will learn why the King James Bible is a superior translation because of its underlying text. 


BI 102.2 Apologetics

This course is a study of the origin, historical background, and doctrines of the cults, with an emphasis on a Scriptural understanding of their errors. The course is designed to equip the student to biblically and boldly refute the false teachings of the cults studied and to “rightly divide the word of truth.”  


BI 103.3 Old Testament Survey

This course is an overview of the Old Testament, emphasizing each book’s author, recipients, and the Holy Spirit’s objective for inspiring each book. Each book will be outlined with critical thoughts, verses, and chapters stressed. 

BI 104.3 New Testament Survey

This course is an overview of the New Testament, emphasizing each book’s author, recipients, and the Holy Spirit’s objective for inspiring each book. Each book will be outlined with critical thoughts, verses, and chapters stressed.


BI 201.3 Bible Doctrines I

This course is a study of the importance of doctrine. The student will obtain a general understanding of the doctrines of Theology, Bibliology, and Christology. The student can defend his faith with a Scriptural foundation in these doctrines.


BI 202.3 Bible Doctrines II

This course is a study of the importance of doctrine. The student will obtain a general understanding of the doctrines of Ecclesiology and Pneumatology. The student can defend his faith with a Scriptural foundation in these doctrines.

BI 203.2 The Life of Christ

This course studies the first four books of the New Testament, emphasizing the person and work of Jesus Christ. The last week of the Lord’s ministry is given particular emphasis. Course material will be drawn from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The inter-testament period will also be discussed.


BI 204.2 Prophecy

This course studies the end times with emphasis on the books of Daniel and Revelation. The study will defend our dispensational, pretribulation, and premillennial position.  


BI 205.2 The Pentateuch

This course surveys the Old Testament books Genesis, through Deuteronomy. This will include a study of the significant events and passages within the Pentateuch, including Creation, the Fall of Man, the Worldwide Flood, the Patriarchs, the Exodus out of Egypt, the Tabernacle, and the Levitical Offerings and Feasts.

BI 206.2 Hebrews and General Epistles

This course is an examination of the following books of the Bible: Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, and Jude. Each book's historical setting, authorship, and structure will be examined, emphasizing salvation and our great High Priest, Jesus Christ.

 BI 207.3 Romans

This course studies the book of Romans, emphasizing the book's author, theme, key verse, and outline. Christ’s completed work for the sinner and the saint will be noted, along with practical life application.


BI 208.2 Acts

This course is designed to understand the book of Acts and to see what the New Testament churches were all about. This course should help students follow the New Testament pattern in their personal lives and churches while exploring the doctrinal emphasis in the book of Acts.


BI 301.3 Bible Doctrines III

This course is a study of the importance of doctrine. The student will obtain a general understanding of the doctrines of Anthropology, Hamartiology, and Soteriology. The student can defend his faith with a Scriptural foundation in these doctrines.

BI 302.3 Bible Doctrines IV

This course is a study of the importance of doctrine. The student will obtain a general understanding of the doctrines of Angelology, Satanology, and Eschatology. The student can defend his faith with a Scriptural foundation in these doctrines.

BI 303.2 Minor Prophets

This course studies the chronological order of the minor prophets, along with the author, theme, key verse, keywords, and outline of each book. The books reviewed will include Hosea through Malachi.

BI 304.3 O.T. Historical Books

This course is a telescopic study of the Old Testament books of Judges through Esther. Each book will be examined for the author, key verses, themes, and outlines. The chronological order of Judges and Kings will be explored.

BI 313.3 Elementary Greek I   

This course is an introduction to New Testament Greek. This study will require intensive memorization of the Greek language and practical training in translating Greek into English.


BI 314.3 Elementary Greek II

This course is a continuation of Greek I, which is a prerequisite for this course.

BI 401.2 Christian Church Epistles

This course overviews the New Testament books Romans through II Thessalonians. The books will be taught chronologically as Paul’s missionary journeys are examined. Each book will be reviewed for the theme, key verses and words, and an outline for each book.


BI 402.2 Bible Geography

This course is a study of the Bible lands during the time of the Old Testament and the New Testament periods. 


BI 403.2 Pastoral Epistles

This course is a study of the books I Timothy through Philemon. Emphasis will be placed on preaching and practicing sound doctrine. Each book will be examined for author, context, themes, keywords, verses, and outline.

BI 404.2 Hermeneutics

This course is a study of proper biblical interpretation. Difficult passages will be examined, and false performance methods will be exposed.

BI 405.2 Poetical Books

This course will study the books of Job through the Song of Solomon. Emphasis will be placed on each book's themes, key verses, and phrases. Practical life lessons will be discussed as each book is examined.


BI 406.2 Major Prophets

This course studies the Old Testament books of Isaiah through Daniel. Both short-term and long-term prophecies will be examined as each book is reviewed for critical verses, themes, and outlines.

 CE 201.2 Creation Science I 

This course studies how the universe was created from a Biblical perspective. This course also points out the errors of the humanistic theory of evolution. This course is a video course and can be taken as a directed study. 


CE 202.2 Creation Science II

This course is a continuation of Creation Science I, which is a prerequisite of this course. This course is a video course and can be taken as a directed study.


CE 301.2 Baptist History and Distinctives I

This course studies the fascinating and rewarding discipline of Baptist History, from the time of inception with Jesus Christ to the Protestant Reformation. The student will learn distinctives of New Testament Christianity, commonly called the “Baptist Distinctives.” The student will also learn about the key figures of Baptist History as their appreciation of Baptist heritage is strengthened.


CE 302.2 Baptist History and Distinctives II

This course continues Baptist History and Distinctives I but can be taken as a stand-alone course. The study will cover the time of the Protestant Reformation to the Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy of the 1920s.  


CE 304.3 Philosophy of Christian Education

This course emphasizes a Christ-centered, biblical perspective of education and the role of the Christian day school as it relates to the Christian school.

MU 402.3 Basic Church Music and Administration

This course lays a foundation for identifying biblical music and the administration of that music in a church service.  


MI 301.2 Introduction to Missions

This course lays a biblical foundation for our mission’s philosophy through proper theology. The student will understand the responsibility and place of the church in missions, missionaries, mission boards, Bible colleges, and individual church members. The course will also give practical instruction concerning the mission field and the missionary’s responsibilities and work.


MI 303.2 N.T. Church Planting

This course studies the biblical philosophy of church planting. The emphasis is on the biblical design of churches planting churches, and the mechanics of how to is God-assigned tasks successfully.


PT 101.2 The Christian Home

This course studies God’s design and purpose of the Christian home. During this course of study, the following topics will be addressed: the house, courtship, marriage, parenting, and finances. 


PT 102.2 Personal Evangelism

This course will help the student proficiently take a Bible and lead someone to the Lord Jesus Christ. The system is also intended to stir the student’s hearts and burden them in the area of soul-winning.


PT 401.3 Homiletics I

This course studies the life and call of a preacher and his preaching. The student will teach the importance of, and practice the technique of, preaching different types of sermons, including textual, expository, topical, historical incident, and biographical sermons. This course is for men only.


PT 402.3 Homiletics II

This course continues Homiletics I, emphasizing expository and evangelistic preaching.


PT 403.2 Biblical Counseling

This course will introduce the student to counseling from a biblical perspective. The student will obtain practical training to help counsel individuals in various church ministries by applying biblical principles for Christian growth and problem-solving. 


PT 405.2 Assisting the Pastor

This course contains practical instruction for all Christian workers, based on the New Testament principle that a local church is to be a pastor-led church. It is not the purpose of the Christian worker to pursue his own goals. It is the Christian worker’s responsibility to be an extension of the ministry that God has given the local church pastor.

 PT 404.6 Internship

This course will contain various assignments as directed by the pastor. It will give the student “hands-on” instruction and a general overview of the many ministries of the local church.

PT 100.2 The Preacher’s Wife

This course is for ladies only. It is designed to inform and help a preacher’s wife fulfill her God-given role and allow a Christian lady to better understand her pastor’s wife.

PT 103.2 Intro to Deaf Ministry and Basic Sign Lang. I

PT 104.2 Intro to Deaf Ministry and Basic Sign Lang. II

PT 201.2 Intro to Deaf Ministry and Basic Sign Lang. III

PT 202.2 Intro to Deaf Ministry and Basic Sign Lang. IV

These courses include an overview and history of sign language, focusing on American Sign Language (ASL). The student will learn to communicate with the deaf through ASL and signed English. The course will also prepare the student to both interpret church services for the deaf and witness to the deaf through the 

Undergraduate and Graduate Online and Correspondence Classes:

BI 100 Systematic Theology I (3 credits)

This three-part course prepares the student to understand the doctrines of the Scriptures. Included are the doctrines of Bibliology, eschatology, pneumatology, theology, soteriology, and many more.  

BI 101 Systematic Theology II (3 credits)

This course continues from Systematic Theology I (BI 100)

BI 102 Systematic Theology III (2 credits)

This course continues from Systematic Theology II (BI 101)

BI 103 Proverbs (2 credits)

This course studies select proverbs with care given to an application for today.

BI 201 Baptist Distinctives (2 credits)

This course studies Baptist distinctives that should characterize the New Testament local church.

BI 202 The Pentateuch (3 credits)

This course studies the history of the nation of Israel beginning in the book of Genesis through Numbers.

BI 203 Conquest and Judges (3 credits)

A study of the history of the nation of Israel beginning with the conquest of Canaan through the ministry of Samuel, including practical applications for today.

BI 204 Denominations (2 credits)

A doctrinal critique of the major denominations to aid in witnessing efforts and to strengthen ecclesiastical separation. 

BI 205 Cults (2 credits)

This course studies many so-called “Christian” cults from the viewpoint of New Testament truth and the actual outworking of the false doctrine, with the object of preparing the individual to defend the truth. 

BI 301 Kings of Israel and Judah (3 credits)

This course studies the nation of Israel through the unified and divided kingdom, including practical applications for today.

BI 302 Second Temple Period (3 credits)

This course studies the nation of Israel during the temple period. The course will cover the destruction of Solomon’s Temple, the exile and return, and conclude with the rededication of the temple, emphasizing the later historical books of the Old Testament. 

BI 303 Life of Christ I (3 credits)

This course studies the life of Christ from the Gospels, covering the events and miracles beginning with the Old Testament preparations for Christ’s coming and concluding with the Transfiguration.

BI 304 Life of Christ II (3 credits)

This course studies the life of Christ, covering the events and miracles following the Transfiguration and concluding with His ascension with particular emphasis on Passion Week. 

BI 401 Parables of Jesus (3 credits)

This course studies each of the parables of Jesus with emphasis on doctrine and application.

BI 402 Discourses of Jesus (3 credits)

This course studies the lengthy discourses of Jesus with an emphasis on Biblical application.

BI 403 General Epistles (2 credits)

This course studies the books of Hebrews, James, 1, 2 Peter, and Jude. Careful attention is given to the theme, “Christ is better,” throughout this course.

PA 301 Youth Ministry (2 credits)

This course is a youth ministry overview. Lessons include building a youth group, counseling young adults, preaching to teens, and doing youth activities.

PA 401 Pastoral Theology Overview (2 credits)

This course has excellent insights from many different pastors from around the world. The system will grow as more pastors contribute.

PA 402 Pastoral Epistles (2 credits)

This course studies the books of I and II Timothy and Titus. Careful attention is given to the pastoral duties and organization of the local New Testament church.

CE 100 Baptist History (3 credits)

Baptist principles and distinctives in early church history. The course examines the various separatist groups in the Dark Ages: the Anabaptists and the Baptists in England and America. The system also studies the Baptist movement through the present day. 

CE 101 Church History (3 credits)

This course studies church history from its founding, development, and growth. Examination of great religious leaders of each period is also studied. 

CE 102 The Personal Worker (2 credits)

This course will guide the student through different steps for soulwinning and personal discipleship. This will include not only those in your ministries but also applies to your personal life with the development of personal standards and convictions. 

CE 200 Creation Science (3 credits)

This course provides a Biblical view of creation from Scripture and science. Multiple studies of God’s creation are examined.

CE 201 Fundamentals of Education (3 credits)

This course is a study in primary Christian elementary and high school education. The system includes the history and philosophy of education and practical applications of these subjects. 

CE 300 Decently and In Order (2 credits)

This course lays the groundwork for future ministries. From the beginning of a church, hiring staff members, or beginning a bus ministry, you will get valuable tools for keeping details organized and moving forward.

CE 301 Biological Issues (3 credits)

This course provides a Biblical perspective on topics such as abortion, diseases, environmental and other vital issues.

CE 302 The Christian School (3 credits)

This course studies the function of the Christian school with unique help for the pastor, principal, or teacher.

CE 401 Defining Biblical Leadership (2 credits)

This course will define Biblical leadership and essential principles for leaders. It analyzes the vital need for God-lead, spiritual leaders today and provides practical helps for those leaders.

MU 100 Church Music and Materials (2 credits)

An introductory study of music including notation, rhythm, keys, scales, and other simple music characteristics.  

GE 100 American History I (3 credits)

This course surveys American history from the colonial to the Civil War eras. Special attention is given to studying God’s hand in historical events.

GE 101 American History II (3 credits)

This course is a continuation of GE 100. American history will be studied from the Civil War to the modern eras.

GE 200 Government (3 credits)

This course provides the basics of American government with a Biblical philosophy about government operation and economics.

GE 201 US Constitution (3 credits)

This course studies the Biblical and political theories behind the United States Constitution. The entire text of the Constitution is examined and discussed.

Post-Graduate Classes (only):

BI 500 Advanced Life of Christ I (3 credits)

This is the first part of a two-part course study of the life of Jesus Christ focusing on His ministry here on earth. This set of lectures highlight the first 2 years of Christ’s ministry. 

BI 501 Advanced Life of Christ II (3 credits)

This is the second part of a two-part course study of the life of Jesus Christ.

BI 503 Advanced Hamartiology (3 credits)

This course thoroughly studies what the Bible teaches about sin.

BI 510 Advanced Homiletics (3 credits)

An advanced study of the many aspects of preaching. It considers the soul of the pastor, for this is where Biblical preaching must start. Then various types of preaching are discussed and researched. 

BI 511 Advanced Soteriology (3 credits)

This course thoroughly studies the doctrine of salvation. 

BI 512 Advanced Christology (3 credits)

This course studies the doctrine of Christ using the Old and New Testaments.

BI 513 Advanced Pneumatology (3 credits)

This course thoroughly studies the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

BI 514 Advanced Ecclesiology (3 credits)

This is a doctrinal study of the church through Scripture. It highlights what a church is, what are the officers within a church; what are the duties of a church. A student should have a more robust understanding and appreciation of the church after completing this course. 

BI 520 The Tabernacle (3 credits)

This course studies the tabernacle and the ceremonial law surrounding it and relates it to Christ and truths for today.

BI 530 Job (3 credits)

This course is an in-depth study of the book of Job.

BI 550 Hebrews (3 credits)

This course is a detailed study of the New Testament book of Hebrews, including its original audience and connection to the Old Testament.

BI 551 Jude (3 credits)

This course is a comprehensive study of the book of Jude.

BI 560 Revelation (3 credits)

This course is an orderly study of the book of Revelation. Special attention will be given to the book's chronology and theological and interpretive issues.

PA 500 The Art of Pastoring (3 credits)

This is a practical but acutely helpful course with practical help for pastors today, taught from a man who served over 50 years in the pastorate.

PA 501 A Study of Suffering (3 credits)

This entire correspondence course will help any believer, but especially a pastor. The study of what the Bible teaches about suffering and persecution is examined.

PA 502 Media in Ministry (3 credits)

This course is an overview of the use of media in modern ministry. Students will begin to learn various aspects of this new aspect of church outreach.

PA 503 Advanced Apologetics (3 credits)

This course equips the student to defend the Bible and Christianity against modern attacks against the church.

PA 504 Advanced Biblical Studies (3 credits)

This course studies canonization, preservation, customs, and other studies for the advanced student of the Bible.

PA 505 The King James Bible (3 credits)

This course is complete correspondence and equips students to defend the TR and the King James Version for the English language.

PA 506 Advanced Pastoral Theology (3 credits)

This class is designed to help men in the ministry as pastors or assistant pastors. It is not designed for those who are not already in full-time Christian work.

PA 604 Hermeneutics (3 credits)

This course is a study of proper biblical interpretation. Difficult passages will be examined, and false performance methods will be exposed. The class material is the same as the undergraduate course, but students taking this class for a Masters or Doctorate will be require to also write a 10 page research paper on how important proper hermeneutics are to the pastor and his teaching/preaching.

BI 508 The Great Commission (3 credits)

A study through Biblical doctrines dealing with salvation and the believer’s responsibility to share the Gospel. This course also gives an analysis of the Biblical importance of discipleship. Students will evaluate different methods of evangelism and discipleship.  


PA 520 The Biblical Family (3 credits)

This course is a practical help for the family. Information from this class can be used by a pastor directly in a local church.

PA 521 Marriage (3 credits)

This course is a practical help for couples. Information from this class can be used by a pastor directly in a local church.

PA 530 An Introduction to Biblical Counseling (3 credits)

This course takes a biblical approach to counseling. Careful attention will be given to helping the pastor avoid readily available humanistic principles of counseling that prevail today. It is an introduction to eight different aspects which Dr. Rick Carter fully explains in his counseling degree.

PA 540 Youth Ministry (3 credits)

This course is not a course about teen activities or events. It is a study of subjects that help guide Christian young people towards a better walk with the Lord.

PA 550 The History and Theology of Baptists (3 credits)

This course studies not only the history of Baptists but also theology. Baptist theology has shaped our history. This aspect is discussed and researched.

PA 551 Reformed Theology and Calvinism (3 credits)

This course studies the dangers of reformed theology and Calvinism and their subtle attacks upon the church. Students will gain the needed resources to combat the false doctrines of these beliefs.

PA 552 The History and Theology of Baptists (3 credits)

This course is a study of fundamentalism and modern Baptist history, focusing specifically on the Independent Baptist Church movement.

MI 500 Biblical Missions (3 credits)

This course thoroughly examines biblical missions from the standpoint of local churches and missionaries.

MI 501 Church Planting (3 credits)

This course studies the church planting aspect of biblical missions.

MU 500 Music in the New Testament Church (3 credits)

This correspondence course studies the importance of following God’s directives in the subject of church music. Particular emphasis is placed promoting God-honoring music within the church.

MU 501 The Morality of Music (3 credits)

This correspondence course studies the importance of understanding that music is not amoral. Students will be able to prove the opposite and show that music is a powerful, controlling aspect of our every day lives. 

** All undergraduate courses have a master’s equivalent with more requirements. Each corresponds with the original number of 600.


BI: Bible

PA: Pastoral Theology

CE: Christian Education

PT: Practical Training

MU: Music

GE: General Education

MI: Missions

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